I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

Chapter 380: Fat Meat That Was Delivered Straight to the Mouth

Chapter 380: Fat Meat That Was Delivered Straight to the Mouth

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Pleater came to the dead pool. Actually, the dead pool was not there to guard against ghosts, but to guard against other mystical and magical forces.

Over the countless years, many mystical forces had come to explore the ghost lair.

Nothing could float on the surface of the dead pool, and in the end, they all stopped at the dead pool.

The strange creatures of the ghost lair would disappear by itself even if they caught it. After a long time, the ghost altar would be forgotten by the mystical forces.

This was the effect that the Salko Temple wanted. Their peers could not remember the ghost lair. All the gains were for the Salko Temple.

This situation that was beneficial to the Salko Temple had lasted for thousands of years.. However, now that Flanders was here, everything would change.

Pleater looked at the dried-up dead pool. He really could not imagine what kind of existence could dry up the dead pool.

He knew that there was a spring at the bottom of the dead pool. The small altar absorbed the power of another world and then transformed into dead water through the essence of dead water.

It was a perfect strategy. No one could come down from the bottom of the dead pool. Even if they did, there was still the black water strange creatures.

The black water strange creatures would tear apart any living creature that entered the dead pool.

As Birch’s disciple, Pleater understood the ghost lair.

Every time he heard about the ghost lair, he would sigh at how great the ancient sages of the Salko Temple were.

They had actually created a strange creature breeding farm. Over the countless years, the Salko Temple had become more and more powerful. This strange creature breeding farm had an indelible contribution.

Pleater led his team forward carefully. He knew that the dead pool was the area of the ghost altar.

There must be some major danger there. He had to be very careful.

Soon, Pleater found the clues. He found that there were countless strange creatures people gathered in the area of the ghost altar.

Those strange people were sitting quietly, as if they were absorbing something.

From time to time, one or two strange creatures would break through to the next rank. Seeing this scene, Pleater was terrified!

He knew what this meant.

His master had told him that if the ghost strange creatures could advance quickly, they would quickly become A+ rank strange creatures.

At that time, the entire Blue Planet would be a paradise for the strange creatures. Thinking of this, Pleater’s forehead was covered in cold sweat.

He wanted to leave the ghost lair immediately. He wanted to report the entire news to the first elder of the temple.

The temple had to strike first, otherwise, who knew how far these strange creatures would grow.

Pleater slowly retreated. He did not dare to make too big a move.

The connection between the dead pool and the ghost altar area was the narrowest place in the entire ghost lair.

If anything happened, Pleater would most likely be discovered. If he was discovered, he would be dead!

He knew that these strange creatures were extremely bloodthirsty. They had no reason and could not think. They were all chaotic.

Just as he was about to retreat into the dead pool, the thing that worried Pleater the most still happened.

He was discovered!

The ghost that discovered Pleater let out a shrill scream!

The ear-splitting scream reached the ears of all the ghost strange creatures. After a few seconds, Pleater was surrounded!

It was over!

That was Pleater’s first thought.

“We’re going to die anyway. Brothers, Let’s fight it out with these strange creatures!”

Pleater was prepared to die together with these strange creatures.

Pleater was a ruthless person. He was not afraid of death. Even if he died, he would still crush two of his enemies’ teeth.

Then, the ghosts did not attack him. Pleater instantly understood!

These ghosts must have been controlled by someone. Oh God, who could control so many ghosts?

Pleater’s thought of dying immediately disappeared. He could not break out of the encirclement now. He was completely surrounded.

Pleater’s battle team members were all on high alert. They also knew that they would not be able to escape death today.

In the crisis situation, Pleater was quick-witted. he shouted loudly, “I want to see your leader.”

The ghosts parted to open a path, and an A rank strange creature walked in.

“You’re from the Salko Temple?”

Pleater was extremely shocked. He was shocked by this strange creature.

This strange creature was able to reason!

He felt that he had made a huge mistake. Perhaps there was no leader at all.

Maybe these ghosts had escaped the seal of the ghost altar. He knew that there was a magic seal on the ghost altar. This seal could prevent the ghost strange creatures from gaining intelligence, causing them to be forever muddled.

The A rank strange creature looked at Pleater quietly, waiting for an answer.

“Yes, we are from the Salko Temple.”

“You don’t know how powerful the temple is. If you can let us go, the temple will definitely repay you!”

Even though he knew that it was impossible, Pleater still said such words. What if it turned out to be true?

“Put down your weapons, surrender and no one will be killed!”

A deep voice came from the A rank strange creature’s.

Pritt never expected that the strange creatures would actually answer him.

Such a statement was out of the blue. It was a statement often used in the ancient army.

He knew the origin of the ghost lair, and he also knew how these strange ghosts came about. Could it be that the ghost strange creatures had recovered their memories?

Just who was doing this?

At that moment, many thoughts ran through Pleater’s mind, but he still did not have any leads.

However, at least he was certain that his life was temporarily saved!

Pleater and the entire combat squad handed over their weapons. In order to save their lives, they had no choice but to do so.

The A rank strange creature did not make things difficult for them. Instead, they brought them to the underground space.


“Welcome, new friends!”

When Pleater and his battle team heard this strange laughter, their hearts were filled with fear.

This kind of voice was too terrifying!

Pleater made up his mind. Since he was going to die anyway, what was there to be afraid of?

Until he saw the source of the voice, they could not believe that it was actually a golden scarecrow.

Pleater was stunned on the spot. He had a mission to capture the scarecrow. However, he did not get any information about the scarecrow, so he did not know his exact location.

He did not expect to see it here, so the answer to all of this seemed to be revealed.

Was it really this scarecrow? Was he really that powerful?

However, seeing a few powerful strange creatures standing behind the scarecrow obediently, he still chose to believe it.

He had always been prepared for the target he wanted to capture. He had studied the scarecrow’s information carefully before.

From the scarecrow’s information, he could determine the scarecrow’s powerful potential.

At that time, he had decided not to let the scarecrow grow up. If it did, it would definitely be a major threat to the temple.

Flanders did not care about what Pleater was thinking. He wanted to dominate Pleater.

How could he not eat the fat meat that was delivered straight to his mouth!?


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