Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 519 Plot thickens-3

Chapter 519 Plot thickens-3

" I understand. I will harshly remind them to wait." Wilbur knew he couldn\'t do anything, so he prepared to leave.

" Hold on. Did our little mouse have a spat with Rockefeller?" The man saw the first page, peering through the transparent folder.

" Yes, sir, it happened a few hours ago, and it, being a minor argument, was not included in your daily report."

" How close is he catching the culprits of Paris?"

" Very close; if we don\'t interfere like usual, they will be hunted down in a few months." Wilbur felt energetic again, seeing him ask questions. It was precisely the problem that he was stuck in.

" Hmm... Alright, remember my verdict and pass it on to the relevant parties. There should be no deviations, understand?"

" Yes, sir, please." He took out his notebook. It was prohibited for anyone to bring \'technology\' inside his office. Even recording his face on the paper was punishable by death, no matter who he was. It was the same for every member of his family.

" We will cut off the disaster of Paris by not interfering. Anyone involved in that will be excommunicated and put on hold regardless of rank. Understand?"

" Sir, but a member from our vassal family will be on that list. There will definitely be pushback from them."

" I checked what he has been doing recently; it is better to cut loose ends early. Besides, he is from the outer family, making his way to the succession race on pure luck. Right now, he has been put on the sidelines on the verge of losing that privilege. No one will care about a feeble old man."

" But sir, he is the son of the former head; it will be difficult to leave him stranded. There are many factions in a family that have his loyalty, which is why he has been able to safely hide away in Moldova."

" I know. Send some support for the second most powerful contender for the throne publicly but, in the shadows, bolster the forces of who would be the eventual winner of the succession race. In that way, they would be busy fighting, and we would have the opportunity to cut off the tail to escape."

" Doing that would make the second successor a target, eliminating him from the race. That\'s a great plan. I will make sufficient preparation!" Wilbur was in awe of his lord\'s ability to devise ingenious plans on the fly.

" Let that little weasel run amok for the time being. We still have to wait a few years before unveiling our master plan for the world! Always keep that in mind!" He was effectively giving Samuel a free pass for a few years. It was easier to squash a hatchling, but the thrill was at its peak hunting full-grown prey!

" I understand, sir; I will start detaching our influence to make them believe they won."

" Also, how much do you know about this Clark fellow? Is he a good candidate for your cause?"

" I don\'t think so, sir. I don\'t know how much he knows about our organization\'s existence, but he is an arrogant type. It would be a shock for him to know that Rockefeller is only a small vassal family under us. He might rebel when he takes the throne, but that\'s only my conjecture." Wilbur told him his personal thoughts as he knew his lord didn\'t like to beat around the bush.

He didn\'t even put such people in his eye because there were much larger forces that were hidden in the shadows. Rockefeller had some wealth, but they were already exposed to the public. The only advantage of such a puppet was to sway public opinion through their channel on the prominent family\'s order.

" Interesting, so if we support him, he would eventually hamper Rothschild\'s advances in the States, right?"

" He does take grudges seriously, but I am not sure if the head of the family would agree to it. He is highly conservative in his approach, refusing to take any risk. Their funds are not what they used to buy; they had already started using their hidden wealth a few years ago due to bad financial moves and government crackdown."

" We didn\'t lend them a hand?"

" We didn\'t. It was something that happened when he first became famous for his wealth. It was measly by our standards, but he showed it to your grandfather and actively tried to undermine our organization\'s advances."

" I don\'t remember grandfather being merciful. As far as I remember, anyone who looked at him without respect would get his head chopped off on the spot. How could he be able to escape his wrath?" The man said with a puzzled look. He didn\'t spend much time with his grandfather but had heard stories about his ruthlessness.

He was considered the most vicious person since their family\'s inception. His actions alone were estimated to have resulted in millions of deaths across the two world wars. Human lives were another opportunity for him to amass more wealth and power.

" I don\'t know exactly what happened, but they made some secret deal, and that information is only available for the present head of the family, but he was not entirely spared. He might have kept his life, but in the process, he was attacked by everyone under the sun and soon fell off from his position as the richest man on the planet. They hide mostly, only revealing themselves for events they couldn\'t avoid."

" I don\'t care, contact the son and present him the offer, but in return, I want to see a heavy blow dealt to Rothschild in a few years. If he can\'t, tell him to hinder Samuel Rothschild\'s progression."

" I will do that, sir." Wilbur had his orders. His lord\'s words were absolute, and because of it, he had full power to make his wishes come true. He was also relieved as he would be able to give sufficient answers to the parties who had been hounding him for days for responses.

" Lastly, Samuel Rothschild must not be harmed under any circumstances. He had meddled a lot in my rise to power. I want to meet him personally to give my verdict when the time comes. Understand?" The man emphasized again.

" I will keep it in mind." Wilbur bowed again and left the office.

The man stood up again and looked outside, overseeing the whole bustling city with a smile on his face. Suddenly, his personal phone rang, and he was surprised to see the caller ID.

" Hello."

" Lord, it\'s an honor to hear your voice again."

" Umm, Zero, you called at the perfect time. I have new orders for you."

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