Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 425 Kayla

" Hello, yes, alright, please explain." Lucas Bernard got an urgent call on his personal cell. He heard the complaint, and his eyebrows furrowed by the end of it.

Someone assaulted Jake, and he personally got a call from him. Lucas knew Jake\'s family quite well, they were one of the donors for the police department, and he also had a good relationship with his father.

He also knew Jake was a troublemaker, but until now, no one dared to resist him so openly, and what\'s even more surprising was that he was a famous actor. Didn\'t they care most about their public image?

But it was not time to think about it; no matter how famous the actor was, it couldn\'t be compared to the multimedia giant\'s influence. He called a few people and told them to investigate; they needed to apprehend the suspect before he left the city.

There was always a chance the perpetrator was assaulted in the heat of the moment, and when he realized what he had done, he would try to flee.

" Sir? What\'s the commotion about?" Kayla entered and saw a severe look on the Chief\'s face.

" You don\'t need to worry. It\'s an assault case; they can handle it." Lucas said, as a captain, It was too excessive for Kayla to go to the scene.

" Still, you are acting secretive; I should know about it."

" Alright." Lucas didn\'t want the news to spread until they caught him, but seeing Kayla\'s eager face, he briefly explained the situation.

" Who do you say the actor was?" Kayla asked again after he finished speaking.

" Sam Abel, the lead from the Harry Potter series."

" Is that so? I should go. You guys follow me." Kayla said as soon as she heard the name. Her action had a hidden meaning, but she didn\'t tell them.

" Are you sure? Your shift\'s about to end." Lucas asked again; she was doing overtime for her mistake with Samuel one day prior.

" I am sure. I will head home after I finish escorting him."

Lucas didn\'t say anything; it was good if someone like Kayla could do it because she was one of the youngest captains in the police force history without any major incidents. Yesterday\'s actions were erratic, but Lucas didn\'t take it to heart.

" Alright, go and do it properly. There is some pressure from above, considering someone like Jake is involved."

" Yes, sir."

" Follow and assist her." He ordered others, too, before they left.




Samuel went out, and immediately, people started taking photos. Thankfully it was still daytime, so his eyes were not flooded with flashes, but people started shouting, demanding answers from him.

" Did you really assault Mr. Jake?"

" Why did you do it?"

" Do you know he was hospitalized a few hours ago?"

" Please comment."

They kept nudging at him, but soon few police officers came forward and started making way for him. Samuel didn\'t hold his head down or anything; he walked confidently with a small smile.

He didn\'t look like a guilty person, but his silence did raise some suspicion. People kept shouting, asking questions, and making judgments, but he didn\'t say anything, and after walking a few meters, he saw a police car waiting for him.

When he reached the end of the sea of people, he saw a familiar face. Kayla, whom he had met one day prior, was standing beside a police vehicle while smiling at him.

She was wearing her usual police uniform with a hat that covered a part of her face, but her ponytail could be seen swaying in the air. Samuel didn\'t notice it before, but she had a very muscular physique with broad shoulders, but the most outrageous was her chest, which she intentionally pointed out with her crossed arms while looking at him.

" Aren\'t you going to handcuff me?" Samuel asked. He had met her before but was still the Rothschild family heir, so technically, it was their first meeting.

" Do you want me to? I don\'t think you will run." Kayla replied.

" Why not?"

" Because you won\'t be able to, but it\'s not about that, Sam Abel you are arrested on suspicion of beating Jake, general manager of VITA corporation...." She began reading the rights. It differed slightly from the State\'s rights, but only by a few margins.

She quickly led him inside the vehicle and started driving, leaving the reporters on the scene. She drove swiftly toward the station as more and more people gathered on the stage.

Now that everyone had seen Samuel\'s face, it was not an exaggeration that the media had already started reporting live about his involvement, making the situation even worse.

It might be a big deal if it were any other actor. Still, Samuel was unique, the studio couldn\'t touch him even if they wanted, and anyone with dissatisfaction would be shut up by their higher-ups who knew about Samuel\'s real identity.

There was also trouble with public outcry; some people who were his hardcore fans would defend him no matter what, and for a simple assault case, they would even go to war with the media machine to prove them wrong.




Inside the vehicle, Kayla and Samuel were silently looking at each other through the back mirror. For some reason, the smile on her face stayed the same since they locked eyes earlier.

" Hope it was not much trouble." Kayla initiated the conversation.

" What do you mean?" Samuel said suspiciously.

" Beating up someone must be normal for a persona of your stature." She chuckled.

" Famous actors don\'t get such a hall pass. But that guy deserved it, so it was not all pointless." Samuel shrugged, finding her amusing. Was it normal for her to talk like this, or was it a one-time thing seeing he was famous?

" I didn\'t mean that. I mean, as the eldest son of the Rothschild family, it must be fun playing an actor in real life." She dropped a bomb casually, expecting a good reaction.

" I don\'t know what you are talking about; for your information, everyone knows that police cams are hardly reliable," Samuel said calmly, hinting that he knew he was being recorded, but inside, he was freaking out; she shouldn\'t know about it. Who was she?

" Relax, it\'s all disabled. It\'s the least I can do for your majesty." Kayla noticed his slight flinch when she mentioned the Rothschild family. She relishes looking at his reactions.

" Can you even do that? Isn\'t it breaking the law?" He was skeptical.

" Of course, I am a captain, and surely my chief will agree if I tell him the reason, but I hope it doesn\'t come down to it; but first, tell me your plan?"

"I am sorry?" It was abrupt; he didn\'t know what was happening.

" Seeing you are not denying it means I was right. You should have a plan, right? Taking that scumbag down?"

" You know him?"

" Know him? He had trouble with quite a lot of my colleagues over the years. They were minor offenses, but that doesn\'t mean he is a good person. I also saw people cheering for you, so I know you did the right thing."

" Why are you helping me?" He had to ask. She was a variable he never expected when he first left the studio. From his earlier experience of meeting her, she was a hot-tempered mess and someone who definitely had a grudge against him!

" Because I don\'t want you to stay in the country long. You will only bring more work for me at the station and home." She said plainly; Samuel could feel she was genuine without ill intentions, which surprised him.

" Home?"

" I haven\'t been back for two days now? I miss my partner, and it all happened because of you!" She grumbled, complaining about unexpected things. She didn\'t fit the type that would marry young, but seeing the ring through the mess window, she didn\'t lie.

" I am sorry for that, but seeing you now, we didn\'t have the best first meeting, in my opinion, which is why I am asking this many questions. Is there a reason for that?" He tried to probe some more before answering her questions.

" That- Hold on." She suddenly got a call over the radio.

" *Buzz* Captain, a huge crowd is in front of the station. You have to take a detour and sneak him from the back.*Buzz*" someone informed over the radio.

" It was the same when I reached the studio; someone must have tipped them off. I saw every news network in the city swarming the place." She replied.

" *Buzz* If they were reporters, it would be fine, but several civilians and cultist-like people are flocking the scene; their number shows no sign of decreasing. So you should be careful. *Buzz*" There was a noticeable sigh in his voice.

" Roger that; I will meet you back in the station." She turned it off after informing them.

" I didn\'t know you started a cult too. Rich people sure have strange hobbies." She laughed out, hearing her own statement.

" I did no such thing. It\'s only a fan club, but I heard they started worshiping me for some reason. Thankfully I don\'t go out much in this appearance, or else it would be hard to ever make a public appearance."

" Yeah, I heard girls tend to get crazy about you, but before you misunderstand, I am not one of them, so don\'t even think about making a move." It sounded like a threat for some reason.

" Who do you think I am? I don\'t go around picking up girls!" He said something contradictory, which didn\'t go unnoticed.

" Is that so? But how come you are with a different one every time I pick up a gossip magazine. I even heard you picked up a genuine princess? that\'s awfully bold of you!" She was well informed for someone uninterested in him.

" That\'s not it. She was in a pinch, and I helped her. Nothing is going on between us. Is it already in the news?"

"Of course, but I think people started to not give a damn about you anymore. A rich playboy is a common troupe among your generation." She said amusingly. For some reason, she was having too much fun diminishing his character.

" Can we stop talking about my love life? But I have to say you are an interesting person. It\'s been ages since I talked with someone who didn\'t \'give a damn\' about my family background." He was impressed, she had a strong presence, but he didn\'t mind it much.

" Hahaha, me too. Normally people are scared of me because of my intimidating personality." She shamelessly praised herself.

" Intimidating? Now that you mention it, you look like someone that works out. Do you train?" If his observation was correct, he was sure such a build was impossible in a typical gym. It was not as blatant as bodybuilders with wide frames but sleek and elegant, like female operatives from his intelligence network.

"Gant jaune, I mean yellow belt, in Savate." She said proudly. 

" Yellow? That\'s only one step from silver, the highest rank, right?" He was impressed once more.

" Yes, and I noticed you don\'t seem like a greenhorn yourself. I can tell by your unique posture." She didn\'t forget to mention it.

" Well, It\'s kind of mandatory for us to train since childhood. I specialize in several forms of martial arts."

" Several? Are you joking with me? How old are you to even specialize in anything?" She was baffled. Was he lying because she praised him?

" I can show you if you like. I have been busy and haven\'t had anyone to spar with in a while." He said as a courtesy. 

" Really? Are you ready to cry like a little girl then?" She burst out laughing.

"Try me."

" Oh, I will. I am sure we will have a chance soon." She said mysteriously, but Samuel took it as another of her jokes; he was about to have the shock of his life soon. 

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