My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 403 The battle of the Royal Palace part 3

Kelan, who had also joined them, pulled out a map of the palace’s basement that was behind the barrier and he asked Axel : “Although Lucas can identify the energy signatures, only you can track them over a long distance.

Show us where they are, like that we can plan an attack.”

Axel nodded but before he could even focus his wolf senses, dots of different colors appeared on Kelan’s map and Axel then told them : “It seems that the core of this world really wants us to rid our world of all this vermin.”

Axel told them that the blue dots were humans and that none of them worked for Cassandra or Lilith.

Then there were 4 red dots that represented the Titans, 3 were together and they would have to deal with the humans first before they could get to them, and then a bit further there was the last Titan with a yellow dot next to him.

Caleb then looked at Axel with hope and the latter immediately said to him while putting a hand on his shoulder : “It’s her, it’s really Lena and it assured me that she is fine.”

Relief then overwhelmed Caleb and he then said more determined than ever : “Come on guys, let’s go get our princess.”

Thanks to Kelan who had the idea to get out a map and to the core of this world who had provided them with the exact location of their enemies, they were able to put a better strategy in place and they decided to use the cells that were in the basements to lock up the humans, and as for the Titans, only death awaited them.

Caleb even decided to teleport them as quickly as possible to the prison dimension and fight them there to avoid collapsing the ceilings on top of them, which could eventually cause heavy damage to the palace.

The dots on the map were moving which was very convenient because they could follow all the actions of their enemies, and just before the corridor that would bring them in a big room where the humans and the Titans where, Caleb made them stop.

After checking one last time that the level of these humans would not be a threat to Kelan and his men, he said to Kelan looking him in the eyes : “If there is ever a problem, call me immediately, I will arrive right away.”

Kelan nodded and he said to him : “I know… Be careful !”

Caleb then joined Axel and Lucas, who also had access to the prison dimension, and he said to them before using his speed to surprise the Titans : “One each !”

And so he dashed towards where the Titans were, Axel and Lucas on his heels, and just to make sure Kelan would be safe, he punched one of the humans in the stomach who was thrown with phenomenal force against 4 other humans who were in turn thrown into different corners of the room, and were completely unable to get up after that.

Caleb smirked and when he finally saw the Titans, Axel passed him and disappeared with the first Titan.

Fuck, he thought, that kid was really fast.

He joined Axel in the prison dimension and the Titan he had grabbed immediately freed itself and joined the other Titan that Axel had sent here.

And finally, Lucas joined them, and he nonchalantly threw the head of the Titan he had just decapitated with Mykael’s sword at the feet of the other two, saying to them with a creepy smile : “So who’s next ?”

Axel couldn’t help but think that his uncle was so cool and he said to him : “Uncle Lucas, let us have some fun too.”

Lucas smirked and he handed him his father’s sword saying to him : “Show me what you can do then, dear nephew.”

Axel didn’t hesitate and he took the sword of his father in his hand, he immediately felt a colossal power invading him and his golden tattoos began to shine more and more, his eyes became entirely golden and he let his instinct of wolf take over his human side.

His senses were developed to a point where he could see the divine energy that looked like a golden veil covering absolutely everything, and while concentrating this divine energy in his father’s sword that started to shine like a sun, he looked at the Titans who had backed away from a few steps by feeling his new power and he could not only feel their fear but he could also see clearly their energy reserve.

And his wolf side then took control of his human body and with this sword he pierced both of their energy reserves effortlessly.

Caleb and Lucas widened their eyes because Axel had moved so fast that they couldn’t follow him and the only thing they saw was the body of the two Titans being devoured in a few seconds by gigantic golden flames.

Miguel and Elias then appeared in the prison dimension and they were both shocked to see that it was Axel who was giving off this formidable aura.

Miguel approached him slowly and he asked him : “Axel, can you still hear me ?”

The consciousness of his wolf then gave way to his human consciousness and his eyes became blue again with just the golden circles around his pupils. And his tattoos and his father’s sword also returned to their usual appearance.

Axel immediately gave the sword back to Lucas and he said to them : “I’m sorry, my wolf has completely taken over my human body… This sword is really too powerful, it’s like it’s taken my wolf consciousness to a whole new level.”

No kidding thought Lucas, Axel had even become stronger than Caleb when his tattoos started to shine.

He then asked Miguel, bowing his head in respect : “Master, have you found the meaning of Axel’s symbols ?”

Miguel shook his head and told him : “We haven’t had time to look for them yet, but I think we should make it our priority.”

He turned to Axel and he said to him : “Axel, with such power, you can fight with your father on equal terms, it’s almost scary.”

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