Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 157 - The Fox And The Wolf Arrive At The Inlaw's

They arrived at the estate of the Prince of Jing in the evening. Chu Yun hadn\'t sent out word ahead of their arrival, so the palace servants were completely befuddled when they opened the gates and saw him and Xiao Zai wearing ill-fitting robes of dubious providence, and riding in the coachman\'s seat of a plain rental carriage.

Only Hua Nanyi\'s presence on horeback, and her unmistakable frown, convinced them they were indeed seeing Chu Yun and not someone who resembled him a great deal.

His mother rushed out of the main pavilion as soon as their carriage came to a stop in the courtyard.

She ran towards Chu Yun with her arms open wide, her fine robes fluttering behind her. "My son! Oh, my darling, I\'ve missed you so much."

Madam Jing was a very effusive woman, and her open displays of affection made everyone uncomfortable. Except Chu Yun who relished the attention and let her hold his face between her palms and inspect him closely, with the contented expression of a lazy housecat.

"You\'ve lost weight," she declared, after peering into his face for a moment. "Doesn\'t the food in Zui agree with you?"

Chu Yun shook his head with a pout. "No, mama, I miss the smells and tastes from home."

Madam Jing looked on the verge of tears. "My poor child, mama will ask the kitchens to make all your favourite foods."

Only then did she seem to notice Xiao Zai\'s presence. She let go of Chu Yun and bowed stiffly to Xiao Zai. "It\'s a pleasure to see his Highness again."

"Mother-in-law should call me Xiao Zai, or Zilang." He smiled politely. "Mother-in-law looks even more beautiful than the last time I saw her."

That little bit of flattery finally earned him a genuine smile, albeit a thin one.

Madam Jing linked her arm through her son\'s, and pulled him along with her, "Come, tell mama everything that happened while you were away. I\'ll take you to your rooms."

Before Chu Yun had the time to say a single word, Madam Jing cut him off immediately. "What on earth are you wearing? Those robes look like they scratch more than a cat."

They did. But Chu Yun didn\'t want to reveal where they\'d gotten them. He didn\'t want his parents to know anything about Harmonious Resonance. Not only would that be breaking his bargain with Master Chen, but more importantly -- he was sure they would take the revelation incredibly poorly. 

It frightened him even to imagine. His mother would probably drag Chu Hean\'s concubine mother by the hair into the main courtyard and having her beat black and blue for the humiliation to their family.

So instead, Chu Yun said only. "We ran into some troubles on the road. I\'ll tell mama all about it later, right now I really need to take a bath."

"Of course, freshen up first and then I\'ll have dinner served in the hall. Your father isn\'t home yet so it\'s better to wait for him." She stopped at the door of Chu Yun\'s room and patted his cheek. "I know he\'ll be just as happy as I am to see you."


Chu Yun wanted to soak in his family\'s hot springs right away, and while Xiao Zai had terrible memories associated with them, he did want to properly wash off the grime of the last leg of their journey.

Besides, this time he had Chu Yun\'s company as he walked through the stone path into the bamboo grove hiding the hot springs, and there was no Chu Hean around to drop in unannounced.

Chu Yun dropped his thin inner robes at the edge of the pool and stepped inside with a contented sigh. Sinking in the warm waters with a gratified smile that made heat pool at the pit of Xiao Zai\'s stomach.

He got in next to Chu Yun and wrapped one arm around his shoulders, pulling him into his side. "Have you decided what you\'re going to tell your parents?" His eyes drifted downwards, where the bubbling water hid Chu Yun\'s abdomen from view.

Xiao Zai had the impression there was the faintest curve to it, as if Chu Yun had eaten a large meal, but it might just be the product of his own overactive imagination. He knew better than to mention it to Chu Yun, who would surely obsess over it -- convinced other people would be able to tell, as well.

"That\'s why we came, isn\'t it?" 

Despite his confident tone, Xiao Zai could sense some apprehension in his words. "You don\'t need to tell them if you don\'t want to. We can wait."

Chu Yun shook his head. "No, your father needs to know there will be real political consequences to harming me or the child. If we bring some document from my parents, just something mentioning wanting to host the child\'s 100 day ceremony or something of the sort, will be enough to make that clear. Besides, it is the kind of thing that will sway even more ministers to our side."

  "I know, I know, but..."

"No, we have your father backed against the wall now," Chu Yun said, his fox eyes shining with determination. "A cornered animal will strike. He will do something, and we need to be prepared for any eventuality. We need to have all our stones in order in the weiqi board, before we make a move on him."

Xiao Zai knew he was right, but he also thought they had enough already to move in for the killing blow. Even the laziest, most corrupt ministers, could see the writing on the wall. The King was unravelling, and only heavens knew who, or what, he would drag with him in his downfall.

"I worry, though," Chu Yun finally admitted, resting his head against Xiao Zai\'s shoulder. "About what their reaction will be. What will they think of me?"

Xiao Zai slid his hand across Chu Yun\'s lap and laced their fingers together.. He didn\'t know what Chu Yun\'s parents\' reaction would be, but he knew he would take him and leave the Prince of Jing\'s estate, and Xin itself, if any of them dared offend him. 

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